Accredited Surgical Facility
At Smith Plastic Surgery Institute, we have a newly constructed, state-of-the-art, fully accredited surgical facility on-site. As patient safety and excellent surgical results are our primary concern, our surgical facility is staffed by highly trained professionals who are all certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support. For additional safety, we use only experienced, board-certified anesthesiologists. Our facility is accredited by the prestigious American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF.) Accreditation by AAAASF is only given to those surgical facilities that meet the highest standards for safety and quality. In order to obtain certification by AAAASF, a rigorous inspection is performed. The surgical center staff, equipment, and facility are carefully evaluated. Only after 100% compliance in every area is an accreditation given. Our on-site surgery facility is fully accredited for all types of anesthesia and sedation, including full general anesthesia.
Advantages Of Smith Plastic Surgery Institute
Advantages of having an accredited surgical facility on site: There are many advantages to having a fully accredited surgical facility on site. In our building, the central third of the building is dedicated to seeing patients, the southern third of the building is the accredited surgical center, and the northern third is the Medi-spa area.
Here is a partial list of reasons why an on-site surgical center is helpful:
- Decreased cost to the patient: By having a fully equipped, fully accredited surgery center, we are able to perform the same surgeries using the same anesthesia as we do in the hospital. However, the cost of using the hospital operating room and recovery room often exceeds the cost we charge for the entire surgery including the operating room, recovery room, surgeon and anesthesiologist.
- Increased convenience and scheduling flexibility: The surgery center is in the same location as the consultation and post-operative visits. The same staff will check you in for your surgery. There is no need for additional paperwork, and parking is always available at the Plastic Surgery Institute. Also by having our own facility, we are able to be more flexible in scheduling surgery and in surgery start times, allowing us more ability to work around the patient’s busy schedule.
- Increased Privacy: At other surgery centers there is an entirely new staff that will have to be informed of your surgical procedure. Additional types of surgeries are usually being performed and it may be possible to run into a friend or relative who is either having another procedure or who works at the other facility.
- Increased Specialization and safety: At other surgical facilities there are often many medical specialties that operate in the same center. Often staff at these facilities may be unfamiliar with plastic surgical procedures and post-operative care of the plastic surgery patient. At our surgical facility, we perform only plastic surgery. Our staff is well-trained in plastic surgical procedures and recovery. The staff knows the proper instruments for each procedure and how to prepare the plastic surgery patient before surgery and care for the patient after surgery.
Our Mission: Safety And Excellence
The mission of the Plastic Surgery Institute is to provide the best possible quality care and achieve maximum surgical results in a safe, caring environment. To this end, we have taken the steps necessary and met the stringent requirements to obtain full accreditation by Global Accreditation Authority (QUAD A).